
Profile picture of Denny S Fernandez

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Instructor Notes and Classroom Materials - D. S. Fernandez

This collection contains documents used for implementation of the module at University of Puerto Rico at Humacao (D. S. Fernandez).  The module was used in the General Ecology laboratory, as part of the syllabus, as a special assignment (Project).  Two lab sessions, plus the final report, were necessary for full implementation.  Students' handout and assignment are written in Spanish, but description and details about the implementation are published in English.

List of documents:

  1. Final Network Reflections and Implementation Notes
  2. Handout for Students (in Spanish)
  3. Spreadsheet with Temperature Data
  4. Assignment: Final Report (in Spanish)
  5. Spreadsheet with slope data
  6. Paper: Modelling Temperature and Precipitation for Puerto Rico during 21st Century

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Global Temperature Change in the 21st Century

Materials related to this TIEE module by Daniel Taub & GIllian Graham, Southwestern University, 2011

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Gabriela Hamerlinck