
Profile picture of Carrie E. Kissman

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Phenology and Climate Change Module as part of a 5 week long Migratory Bird Phenology Project at St. Norbert College

I incorporated the TIEE Phenology Module as part of a 4 lab period Phenology Project in my 2nd semester Majors Introductory Biology Course. The course had 5 sections each with 20-24 students; lab duration is 2 hours per week.

In the 1st lab I introduced the topic of phenology using the three video clips below and a brief introductory reading. I also introduced my Campus Migratory Bird Phenology Project where student groups collect migratory bird data on campus for 30min a week, for 5 weeks (handout and rubrics provided). Lastly we conducted the HHMI Excel Tutorials 1-3 to learn how to use Excel and how to make bar graphs.

In the 2nd and 3rd labs we learned how to make line and scatterplot graphs and how to perform and interpret a linear regression by adding a linear trend line using the posted ppt from James Vance on the Phenology Collections site, and we completed the TIEE activity. After the 3rd lab students were given a homework assignment to graph two given data sets appropriately and to properly interpret the regression output biologically and statistically (assignment, student data and faculty data key provided).

In the 4th lab (last lab session of the semester) student groups presented a 5-7min oral summary of their 5 Week Campus Migratory Bird Phenology Project to the rest of the class (presentation rubric provided)


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Investigating the footprint of climate change on phenology and ecological interactions in north-central North America

Materials related to this TIEE module by Kellen Calinger, Ohio State University, 2014

13 posts

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Gabriela Hamerlinck