
Profile picture of Wilson Leung

Wilson Leung created this post

ISCB Education and Training Resources

Our Vision is to see high quality computational biology education and training accessible to all interested communities across the world, and instilled in all life science-related educational programs.

Our Mission is to promote worldwide education and training in computational biology by providing guidance and support for educational resources and community activities.

The information contained within this section covers two general areas:

  1. World-wide educational and training resources for all levels from novices to advanced practitioners of computational biology
  2. Resources that enhance learning and preparation geared towards a career in computational biology

In addition to the content generated by ISCB Education, we also solicit and collect input and information from the larger computational biology community to be made available through these pages.

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Faculty Training Workshops in Genomics

A collection of training workshops in genomics and bioinformatics suggested by members of the Genomics Education Alliance.

12 posts

Profile picture of Wilson Leung

Wilson Leung