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Resources from Pitt's "Creating Accessible Courses for Remote Learning" Webinar

Attached are two infographics with some basic information about digital accessibility and course design for remote learning. These were provided for the workshop, "Creating Accessible Courses for Remote Learning" offered by the University of Pittsburgh. 

Suggestions from Angie Bedford-Jack on Digital Accessibility:

  • Start simple by using built-in heading structures, adding alt-text to images, and ensuring that hyperlinks make sense out of context.
  • Use built-in accessibility checkers in Microsoft Word and Canvas. 
  • Share Zoom keyboard short-cuts with others

Suggestions from Dr. Tinukwa Boulder on Cognitive Accessibility:

  • In your Learning Management System, keep navigation as simple as possible, avoiding redundancy and hiding components you are not using. 
  • Aim for clarity in design and content. 
  • Remember challenges posed by synchronous instruction: 
    • The inability to pause, rewind, review
    • People are often afraid to interrupt to ask questions/clarify in ways that they would in person
    • Delay in providing accommodations to students with disabilities
    • Equity-based issues 

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Hayley Orndorf onto Tools and Resources

Tools and Resources

Tools for supporting accessible and UDL informed instruction

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Hayley Orndorf