
Profile picture of Terrell R Morton

Terrell R Morton created this post

Exploring Data to Learn about the Nature of Science (C. Quinlan, 2016)

Biology is often taught as disconnected facts, even though the subject itself provides a holistic approach to the study of life, particularly through the overarching frame of evolution. The Framework for K–12 Science Education and Next Generation Science Standards promote a coherent approach to science that uses a developmental approach to learning. This is consistent with the use of data, reflective strategies, and a research inquiry approach that encourages students to confront their own thinking and reasoning, and thus encourages the engagement of argumentation in the classroom. This article presents narratives and classroom scenarios that might provide insights into learning strategies, with implications for a more cohesive approach to learning both biology concepts and the practices of science.

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Resources to Re-Envision UBE through Teaching and Mentoring

This collection serves as a space to gather and share various resources that currently exist that members of the REC Network use to support and enhance Black students learning, engagement, and retention in undergraduate biology education. Resources can include but are not limited to: 

- Mentoring Practices, Strategies, and Protocols

- Pedagogical Practices, Strategies, and Tools

- Content (e.g., Scientists Spotlights, Bio - Problems that align, etc.). 


16 posts

Profile picture of Terrell R Morton

Terrell R Morton