• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 20 Oct 2015

Google Hangout

Meeting Agendas and Notes

Sub-group meeting times:

Group 1: Linda, Arietta, Jennifer, Ellen, Emma - Mondays, 10am EST 

Group 2: Alida, Patricia, Erin - Thursdays, 4pm EST

Before we officially start (reiterates tasks from your invitation email):

  • Download ImageJ and get familiar with the software, as described in your invitation email.  
  • We need to find a common time during which we can meet via Hangouts. If there is no single best time, we might break up into two smaller groups. Add your availability to this Doodle poll.
  • Get familiar with Google Hangouts:
    • Get a Google/Gmail account if you don't have one.

    • Get the Google Hangout plug-in for the Chrome browser (works really well, but other browsers will work too).

    • Here is a step-by-step guide to making sure you are ready. It really is easy, just a couple of steps.  https://zapier.com/blog/google-hangouts-video-calls-guide/

January 25-29:

  • Introduce yourself to group participants in the discussion forum, here.  Include your goals for this network - what do you hope happens during and as a result of participating? 
  • Fill in your QUBES profile so others can learn a bit about you. (Click on the Dashboard button at the top right, then click on Profile along the left hand side).  At least include a picture , and your institution/title/ area of expertise - that will help us know who is saying what!
  • First Google Hangout session: getting to know each other and our goals, getting familiar with QUBESHub and the AIMS project, and learning how this network will work.  This is a time to work out the inevitable kinks in the technology. 

All the AIMS modules can be found HERE

February 1-5:

  • Module 1 - Leaf cutter ant foraging
    • ​Review and/or try out the module for yourself, especially if you are new to ImageJ / image analysis
    • Consider how you teach linear regression, how this module covers it, and what we can do to improve 
    • Discuss pre-/post- testing of learning materials
      • ​Who is interested in using an AIMS module this semester, and can conduct pre/post testing (and thus will need IRB approval, and will get $$$ :-)  )

February 8-12

  • Module 2 - Phenotypic plasticity among tropical tadpoles in response to predation
    • ​analyzing color in ImageJ
    • teaching ANOVA, ordination
    • thinking about managing open-inquiry assignments
    • ADD YOUR PRE-MEETING questions, ideas, comments HERE

February 15-19:

  • Module 3 -  3D breast cancer tissue reconstruction
    • 3D reconstruction in ImageJ, image stacks and slices
    • lingering questions about image analysis

February 22-26:

  • Module 3 -  continued
  • teaching sums of squares, ​frequency histograms, connections between modeling/experiments
  • thinking about enriching closed-inquiry assignments
  • thinking ahead to your own modules

February 29-March 4:

  • Module 4 - Dendroclimatology - using tree rings as a record of climate
    • ​connecting image analysis data with other data sources
    • teaching standardization/normalization, linear regression, times series
    • thinking ahead to your own modules


Personal/Group projects:

Weeks of March 7, 14: Working on your stuff

No synchronous Google Hangout meetings.  Asynchronous work on your project. Communicate your ideas, problems, questions, stumbling blocks online, and get guidance, suggestions from others in the network

Week of March 21: Reporting what you've got

We return to a Google Hangout meeting for brief reports from each person/group on what they've accomplished, what they still need to do, and where they are headed

Week of March 28: Peer feedback, sad goodbyes

Our last Google hangout, you receive feedback from peers on your materials posted last week