• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 28 Feb 2017

Participants selected for this HHMI BioInteractive and QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network will work together to complete the following:

  1. Use the Spreadsheet Data Analysis Tutorials and/or Math and Statistics Guide in your introductory biology course.
  2. Use a Scientists at Work short video and/or Data Point as an engagement piece in your introductory biology course
  3. Create a draft supplementary activity focused on student quantitative skills that complements the engagement piece used in #2. Options include:

Click here to see examples of resources created by our 2016 FMN

For more information on the FMN model of professional development, click here.    

Questions about the 2017 FMN: Please Contact Melissa Csikari csikarim@hhmi.org