• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 20 Feb 2016

Selected applicants are expected to participate for the entirety of the FMN by participating virtually on QUBES and attending the face-to-face meeting in North Carolina, and should plan accordingly. Applicants are encouraged to seek funding from their disciplinary departments, teaching and learning centers, professional societies, and other agencies to cover their travel expenses.


Once accepted into the program, prospective Scholars will be required to apply to the Summer Institute on Quantitative Biology “Lowering the Activation Energy” to confirm their participation.  This application includes information about room and board requirements.  Room and board are covered by the HHMI BioInteractive.

Travel Costs

Participants must budget and arrange their own travel expenses to the “Lowering the Activation Energy” workshop at North Carolina State University.

Cancellation Policy

Participants in this FMN will be asked to make a $100 deposit for the “Lowering the Activation Energy” workshop.  Checks should be made out to “HHMI BioInteractive.”  Mail deposits to:

ATTN: Melissa Csikari
4000 Jones Bridge Road
Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Deposits will be returned on the first day of the workshop. Deposits will not be returned if you cancel participation after the May 30th deadline. All cancellations must be received before May 30 by Melissa Csikari (csikarim “at” hhmi “dot” org).