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  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 05 Nov 2018

Congratulations, you are almost done with all of the requirements for this Faculty Mentoring Network! Final products are due by May 15, 2019. Please remember that this is an integral part of the FMN, and a requirement to receive your letter that acknowledges that you've completed this FMN.

Your final product consists of modifications you made to the existing activity, any worksheets, assessments, etc, that you created, and a set of teaching notes (the template can be found here). Information from you implementation plan can also be useful to people considering using these materials.

Instructions for submitting your final products are below, please follow these steps in order for each of the materials you submit.

  1. To start, go here: https://qubeshub.org/projects/maketruble/publications (hint: make sure you are signed into QUBES or else you won't have access to this page)
  2. Click on the green "Start a new publication" button & select "QUBES Resource"
  3. Either upload or select your uploaded files from the linked FMN repository in the "Primary File(s)" section. You can also include links to external websites (i.e. a link to a YouTube video or supplemental reading) in the "External Link(s)" section. You will not have anything to upload to the "Other QUBES Resource(s)" or "Database(s)" sections, so you can leave this blank. 
  4. Select Next.
  5. Fill in the title, abstract (a brief description of the material - consider adding your learning objectives here too) and description (how was this implemented and what, if any, changes did you make to the original material)
  6. Select Next
  7. You will list yourself as the author of this QUBES Resource. Your adaptations and teacher notes will be attributed to you. QUBES shares your adaptations and teacher notes with additional attribution back to the original material and author(s) on the QUBES website. Select Next.
  8. The "Extras" page is an optional place to add additional images or documents to your product. If you have typed up your teaching notes, this would be the place to add them. 
  9. Select Next.
  10. Choose a publication license. The Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International is the default option that QUBES recommends. This license allows for sharing adaptations of the work, as long as all adaptations are shared alike. It also allows for commercial sharing of the work.
  11. Selecting "Save Selection" will show the full details of the license. You must check the box indicating that you have read the terms and conditions of the license.
  12. The next page is for adding Tags to your product. The overarching category of "Teaching Materials" has already been selected as the default. Please select an Audience Level, Instructional Setting, and Activity Length. Be as specific as possible, as adding additional tags will help your resource be found and used more effectively. We would encourage you to add as many tags as you would like. 
  13. The final page is for optional release notes. If you wish to add any other notes about your implementation, adaptation or materials, include them here. You can think of this as the extra information you would find in a README file. 
  14. Select Next to review the publication record where you can preview the QUBES display, indicate publishing settings (please keep this as immediate release and "publish draft" to make sure you get a DOI and we can post it to the [QUBES page/Make TRUBLE Overview Page]). 
  15. You will also have a chance to leave any final comments to the website administrators before you agree to the QUBES terms. 
  16. If everything looks good to go, select "Submit draft" and you are all set.

Repeat this process for any final product you are submitting for this FMN. If you have any questions, please let Deb Rook (QUBES FMN Manager) know.