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  • Created 03 Aug 2016

This Incubator is now Completed, but please feel free to look around. You can view the Publication version in the NIBLSE Learning Resource Collection. If you are interested in revising or extending these materials, please contact NIBLSE.



Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm Exercise

Version 2 published October 13, 2016

This exercise is used in a sophomore-junior level bioinformatics course. The algorithm is introduced to the students who then spend around 15 minutes filling out the diagram. Students have typically been doing some sequence alignment exercises, such as BLAST searches, and have used different scoring systems to score different short alignments, so they are familiar with sequence alignments and the concept of scoring the alignments, but they have not been exposed to how to generate an alignment. 

Incubator Details

Statement from the author (Michael Sierk):

I would like to flesh out the exercise with more biological context, so it can be used more effectively as a "standalone" exercise. I plan to develop a color coded, detailed answer key. I would also like to focus on identifying pedagogical strategies for making it more student-centered, inquiry focused, or promoting active learning and documenting, annotating the materials so that they can be more easily used by other teachers, and clarifying the learning outcomes and working on assessments that address those goals. During this Incubator I would like to have others pilot the lesson and get their feedback on what worked and what didn’t.

Statement from the managing editor (Bill Morgan):

The reviewers found the resource to be well organized and presented, with room for further development. The reviewers indicated that the learning goals should be explicitly stated and that an editable document be supplied. They also suggested that biological context and a means for students to check their understanding be added.

Incubator start and end times:

This incubator ran from August 29, 2016 to October 21, 2016. 

QUBES Liaison: Sam Donovan

Licensing Information

All NIBLSE Incubators are under Creative Commons licensing. The default license for Incubators is the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. This license allows for sharing of adaptations of the work, as long as full attribution is included and all adaptations are shared alike. It also allows for commercial use of the work. Learn more at the Creative Commons website



Below are the Group members who are working on this Incubator: