• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 02 Mar 2022

All meetings are Mondays at 4:00-5:00pm (EST)

See the Important Links tab for our Zoom link and Meeting notes document


Session 1:  Monday, March 14, 2022

The open ecosystem: exploring key elements of OER, OEP, open pedagogy and open science


Session 2: Monday March 21, 2022

Diving deeper into open licenses: How exactly do they work and how can they be leveraged to enhance students’ experiences in STEM?


Session 3: Monday March 28, 2022

Strategies for using Open Pedagogy in STEM courses:  Emphasizing a social justice framework


Session 4: Monday April 4, 2022

Trust and Power in the STEM classroom: A focus on student agency


Session 5: Monday April 11, 2022

Exploring the transformative potential of Open Science: Open Science for whom


Session 6:  April 18, 2022 

Practices for bringing inclusive Open Science into the STEM classroom and research lab