• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 08 Apr 2022

This is a list of the requirements of this Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). You must complete each of these items in order to be recognized as an ESA Education Scholar and receive the $1000 stipend. Participants are expected to:

  1. Select and customize a biodiversity data-centric module, and incorporate the 4DEE framework
  2. Commit ~1 hour every two weeks between September 12, 2022, to November 18 (Dates and times to be confirmed) in virtual meetings to work with mentors and collaborate with other participants around the customization and implementation of the teaching materials. Additional time of 1-2 hours outside of these discussions will be required for independent work on adapting modules and giving feedback on guidelines.
  3. Submit the teaching module they are working on for publication in QUBESHub and TIEE on a CC-BY-NC 4.0 basis by March 20, 2023. All copyright belongs to the author. Please note: if the module contains non-original material, copyright clearance should be secured prior to publication. 
  4. Lead a session in the virtual 4DEE showcase (to be scheduled)
  5. Organize a workshop, and present at approved conferences to disseminate the 4DEE framework and its module to new audiences.

Be an active participant for the entirety of the network

To accomplish this goal, you must:

  • Attend all of your working group meetings
  • Post responses to assignment prompt in the forum
  • Post a reflection on your integration of multiple dimensions in the forum
  • Be a participant facilitator for a working group meeting

 Share your final products to the QUBES Hub

We ask that you share your teaching materials (teacher notes, curriculum materials, assessments, etc.) on the QUBES Hub site. We also ask that you share your instructor story with the community. More detailed instructions on this process will be posted. 

Submit the module you selected to align to the 4DEE Framework for publication to TIEE by March 20, 2023

A template for submission will be provided at the beginning of the FMN.

Participants must be willing and able to travel, organize a workshop, and present at approved conferences to disseminate the 4DEE framework, BLUE, and their module to new audiences.

Participants that meet all the above requirements of the FMN, will be offered an opportunity to present their teaching module that is aligned to the 4DEE Framework at an approved conference. Stipend support of up to $2200 will be provided. More details will be provided after the completion of the FMN.

We understand that scheduling meetings for a group of very busy faculty participants is difficult. If you have an unexpected conflict and are unable to attend a meeting, please let your group leaders know in advance.