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  • Created 09 Oct 2020

Selected Modules

These are the selected modules for this Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). During the Spring 2021 semester, participants will adapt and implement portions from two of the following into their classrooms. These modules cover a range of COVID-19 hesitancy topics, so please select the activities that will fit best into your course curriculum.

Navigating the Scientific Process in the Time of COVID - Dr. Davida Smith, The New School
Communicating the nature of science to the public and general education audience

What is a Coronavirus?  - by Dr. Trace Jordan, New York University  
The nature of the coronavirus: what makes it unique, novel, and deadly. This material explores the nature of viral infections and how viruses evolve, mutate and infect the human body.

Immunity and Vaccine Action- Dr. Robert Seiser, Roosevelt University
Explore the nature of vaccines, how COVID vaccines are made and their rigorous testing process and oversight

SARS-CoV-2 immunization-  Dr. Robert Seiser, Roosevelt University
Immune system response and the multi organ nature of infection

Correcting vaccine misinformation  by Dr. Meghan Moran,  John Hopkins University
Vaccine hesitancy and the means to combat misinformation, from the science communication standpoint

Added session: Cultural Communications by Dr. Ulla Hasager, University of Hawaii -Manoa