COVID-19 Simulator (ISEE) Module

This accessible module guides students through exploring the COVID-19 Simulator developed by ISEE. Students dig into the four scenarios provided (including the parameters and the graphs), construct their own scenarios, and interpret their results.

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Profile picture of Joanna Wares

Joanna Wares onto COVID

Materials for Teaching the SIR Epidemic Model

This web page contains materials created by faculty of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Mathematics to teach basic fundamentals of mathematical epidemiology.

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Profile picture of Joanna Wares

Joanna Wares onto COVID

Understanding COVID-19 Biology to Design a Vaccine - Ethics supplement

The adaptation to Understanding COVID-19 Biology to Design a Vaccine entails two ethics supplements. The first supplement addresses the use of off-label drugs in the pandemic (or other situation). The second supplement addresses wet markets.

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Profile picture of Joanna Wares

Joanna Wares onto COVID

COVID-19 educational module | Department of Mathematics

This resource is a module you can use to teach your students the basics of epidemic behavior using a model geared specifically to Covid-19. Students can address key questions using pre-designed experiments.

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Profile picture of Joanna Wares

Joanna Wares onto COVID