
  • Organization
    Lansing Community College

  • Employment Status
    2-year College Faculty or Staff/Administration

  • Website
    (not set)

    (not set)

  • Reason
    (not set)

  • Interests
    (not set)

  • Biography
    I teach biology (introductory physiology and microbiology) in Michigan at Lansing Community College. My scientific training is in cellular pharmacology and biochemistry, earned at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I have worked in industry and in K12 education as an AmeriCorps Volunteer.

    I am passionate about facilitating undergraduate succeed by employing data supported pedagogy and providing opportunities for authentic research experiences. To develop my student’s understanding and passion for science, I feel it is vital to conduct legitimate research in class. I have created and executed various low-cost, multi-week open-ended research projects to bring course concepts to life.

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