"Bio 1406 Activities" 4 posts Sort by created date Sort by defined ordering View as a grid View as a list

Glycolysis Can Be Fun: Rediscovering Glycolysis as a Problem-Solving Introduction to Metabolism

A thorough understanding of glycolysis forms a foundation for students to analyze subsequent topics in metabolism, a core competency recognized by multiple national societies for biology and biochemistry. However, when confronted with the names of over ten chemicals and enzymes, along with various energy inputs and outputs, students can regard glycolysis as a daunting memorization task. Here we describe a card sorting activity in which small groups of students work out the steps of the glycolysis pathway before any lectures on the topic. They examine the chemical structures of glycolytic intermediates and deduce their logical order. Subsequent analysis of the reactions and the role of cofactors and substrates is reinforced with a POGIL worksheet. In the process, the students engage in productive discussions of topics often introduced didactically in lecture. The activity was implemented at six different institutions in small (~12 students) and large classrooms (100+ students), and can be adapted to hybrid/online formats. This highly engaging exercise has been well-received by students and instructors in various undergraduate course contexts.

Primary Image: Rediscovering glycolysis. Students working on the card sorting activity in small groups. Photo taken by Dr. Lauren Genova.

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Profile picture of Lori Nicholas

Lori Nicholas onto Bio 1406 Activities

Glycolysis Can Be Fun: Rediscovering Glycolysis as a Problem-Solving Introduction to Metabolism

A thorough understanding of glycolysis forms a foundation for students to analyze subsequent topics in metabolism, a core competency recognized by multiple national societies for biology and biochemistry. However, when confronted with the names of over ten chemicals and enzymes, along with various energy inputs and outputs, students can regard glycolysis as a daunting memorization task. Here we describe a card sorting activity in which small groups of students work out the steps of the glycolysis pathway before any lectures on the topic. They examine the chemical structures of glycolytic intermediates and deduce their logical order. Subsequent analysis of the reactions and the role of cofactors and substrates is reinforced with a POGIL worksheet. In the process, the students engage in productive discussions of topics often introduced didactically in lecture. The activity was implemented at six different institutions in small (~12 students) and large classrooms (100+ students), and can be adapted to hybrid/online formats. This highly engaging exercise has been well-received by students and instructors in various undergraduate course contexts.

Primary Image: Rediscovering glycolysis. Students working on the card sorting activity in small groups. Photo taken by Dr. Lauren Genova.

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Profile picture of Lori Nicholas

Lori Nicholas onto Bio 1406 Activities