Climate of Change (Unit 5: Systems@Play) in nonmajors Environmental Science
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01 Jun 2018 | Contributor(s): Kristen Genet | doi:10.25334/Q43M6R
I implemented Unit 5 of the "Climate of Change" module into two weeks of my nonmajors Environmental Science course to cover the concepts of atmospheric science, climate change, and data evaluation.
Climate Change and Phenology: Evaluating Temperature, Precipitation, and Phenology of Frogs and Toads in Minnesota
12 Jun 2018 | Contributor(s): Kristen Genet | doi:10.25334/Q4PX2M
Students evaluate long term (100+ years) trends in temperature and precipitation, and then isolate a shorter time span (20 years) in which to evaluate the correlation between spring temps and the earliest reported calling dates for MN frogs and toads
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