
  • Organization
    Alabama A&M University


  • Interests

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  • Biography
    I strive to conduct applied research with a focus on broadening the available knowledge-base for an increased understanding of ecosystems and the impact we as humans have on them. I believe our ecosystems, both natural and managed, are multidimensional systems that require an integrative and collaborative research approach. My diverse academic background in the areas of ecology, hydrology, limnology, ecological modeling, and spatial analysis lends itself to multidisciplinary research interests. My strengths are in technical problem solving and facilitating cross discipline collaboration. During past few years, most of my research has focused on species distribution modeling, invasive ecology, ecohydrology and biomass assessment. Beyond research, one of my strong career endeavors is to educate, share knowledge and build a community of people that are connected to their environment and have a fundamental understanding of science and its application large scale social issues. I see the traditional classroom education as just one avenue of learning that can be supplemented through a more integrated undertaking, mentoring and outreach, both in and outside of an academic environment.

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