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  • Employment Status
    Postdoctoral Researcher

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  • Biography

    Xana Sá Pinto is a portuguese biologist, passionate by biodiversity and evolutionary processes. She started her research career studying evolutionary processes driving divergence and speciation in marine realm. During her PhD and post-doc research period she participated and organised in several education and outreach projects related with evolution, which made her become increasingly interested and engaged with science education. In 2015 she joined the research centre in didactics and technologies in teacher training at the University of Aveiro (CIDTFF.UA) and became a science teachers at High School of Education of Polytechnic Institute of Porto (ESE.IPP). She is now researching on the effects of teaching science at the light of evolution to elementary school students and on the impacts of evolution literacy on individuals' attitudes related with social problems. She is also a member of EvoKE - an european network that aims to promote transdisciplinary collaborations to foster science literacy about evolution.

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