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  • Created 06 Jun 2016

Pre-Conference Workshop at ASMCUE  - Thursday, July 21, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Authentic Research Experience in Microbiology (AREM): Integrating Student-Driven Microbiome Research into a Course-Based Research Program

Theodore Muth, Avrom Caplan, and Jessica Joyner, City University of New York

This workshop will introduce AREM, and facilitators will help participants develop a plan for experimental design, data management, analysis and assessment of student learning. This site on QUBESHub will be used to support the activities of the workshop.

Authentic Research Experience in Microbiology (AREM) is a modular approach to integrating genomics research into the general biology or microbiology curriculum. AREM investigates the microbiome of New York City across its boroughs, its streets and parks and across time. AREM is the first large scale genomics approach to understanding the makeup of microbial communities in the urban environment.

AREM website




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