
BioQUEST receives award from NSF, supporting innovation in two-year college in STEM education program

BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium was awarded grant funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) as part of their inaugural innovation in two-year college in STEM education program.

The funding will support BioQUEST as a proven convener, leading to accelerated leadership, networking and funding opportunities for two-year STEM faculty. 

BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium has been awarded $99,700 to build leadership capacity, supportive communities and funding knowledge among two-year college STEM faculty. This inaugural investment from NSF will support their Innovation in Two-Year College in STEM Education (ITYC) program, aiming to advance innovative, evidence-based practices at two-year colleges across the nation in STEM education.  

Two-year colleges are essential to the post-secondary STEM education landscape, serving diverse student populations, offering accessible degree pathways, and being widely distributed across the country.
Recognizing this need, BioQUEST is equipped as an established and proven convener to build leadership capacity and facilitate NSF proposal submission knowledge among two-year college STEM faculty. 

“Our mission is to build an inclusive and dynamic community of STEM faculty at two-year colleges, empowering them with the skills and tools needed to lead and innovate,” stated Dr. Sarah Prescott, BioQUEST Executive Director. “By sharing knowledge and fostering collaboration, we aim to enhance STEM education and create a richer learning experience for students across the country.” 

Led by BioQUEST, the project will bring together an experienced organizing committee of two-year college STEM faculty, including hosting a face-to-face workshop and collaborative online community, supporting faculty participation in NSF-funded education projects. The project will adapt a range of existing resources related to proposal preparation, project planning and management, allowing for flexible implementation in diverse contexts. The collaborative QUBES Platform will be used to design and implement the workshop, disseminate outcomes and evaluate proposal preparation resources.

Quote from Executive Director

Conference: Building Leadership Capacity for STEM Education Innovation at Two-Year Colleges

Hosted by BioQUEST, the award will fund a conference bringing together 40 STEM faculty members from two-year colleges for a face-to-face workshop aimed at enhancing leadership capacity and facilitating NSF proposal submissions. 

The project will foster engagement with national STEM education reform projects, promoting the adoption of effective education practices and building faculty capacity for instructional innovations in an evolving post-secondary education landscape.



To view and download the full press release, click here.

For more information about BioQUEST, the grant or the programming, please visit the following:

SPICE Website:
BioQUEST Website:
QUBES Platform:
Social Media: Twitter @bioquested |  Facebook @bioquested | Instagram @bioquested