


  1. Who is Deb Rook, FMN Project Manager?

    As one of the newest members of the QUBES team, I'd like to introduce myself to the community. I remember the moment I decided I should be a teacher. I was 19 and walking through the Cleveland Museum of Natural History with my preteen sister, who was visiting me for sibling weekend at Case...

  2. RCN-UBE Call for proposals announced

    From the NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Biology Directorate Education and Human Resources Directorate RESEARCH COORDINATION NETWORKS IN UNDERGRADUATE BIOLOGY EDUCATION (RCN-UBE) NSF 18-510 RCN-UBE supports projects that build communities of biology faculty and stakeholders. Proposals can focus on...

  3. NEON Faculty Mentoring Network opportunity!

    QUBES is partnering with the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) to offer a new Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN) this coming spring! Participants will work with NEON educational materials, adapting them for their spring classes. The full advertisement for this opportunity can be found...

  4. New Spring 2018 Faculty Mentoring Network with BSA!

    The Botanical Society of America (BSA) is teaming up with QUBES to host a brand new Faculty Mentoring Network in Spring 2018! Participants will implement new materials on a range of botanical topics to enhance quantitative skills in life science classrooms. Apply now to join the Spring 2018...

  5. Do you know what QUBES did last summer?

    This summer QUBES representatives could be found at a number of meetings, offering workshops, presentations, and our fantastic pens and stickers!  Gaby Hamerlinck and Kristin Jenkins were at the Evolution 2017 meeting in Portland OR, June 23-27.  This meeting is co-sponsored by the...

  6. Undergraduate Research Conference hosted by NIMBioS

    The following post is written by Greg Wiggins, the Education and Outreach Coordinator at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS).     Are you an undergraduate student or advisor of an undergraduate student that has conducted research...

  7. New QUBES Research

    The Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES) project is beginning a research project that may be of interest to you regarding how participation in a unique long-term online model of professional development (PD) impacts the adoption of scholarly approaches to teaching....

  8. What’s this Summer Workshop All About?

    If you haven’t been to our Summer Workshop, you may be wondering what’s so special about this one.  The Summer Workshop is an annual event to bring together a community of biology faculty for a week of exploring new tools and good pedagogies for teaching biology. This focus on...

  9. The importance of mentoring

    Part of my job in teaching is the actual classroom stuff.  But for many of us, that is only a part of our interaction with students. Mentoring is something we may have experienced through our career, but rarely are we formally trained in it. When SREB (Southern Regional Education Board)...