Events: 2018/12/09: Week of 09

  • 08 Dec 2018
    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EST 

      2018 HHMI BioInteractive and QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      HHMI BioInteractive and the Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis project (QUBES) are pleased to offer a unique networking and professional development opportunity from June 2018 –  January 2019 for faculty interested in improving student quantitative skills in...

    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EST 

      DIG into Data for the Biology Classroom

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      The DIG into Data for the Biology Classroom FMN will work with faculty who have experience in bringing data-driven activities into the introductory biology or ecology classroom, and are interested in exploring, adapting, and implementing new teaching modules using authentic research data....

    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EDT 

      Amplifying the data analytic opportunities in your CURE

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      Are you interested in incorporating full data analysis projects into your classes? Do you have a CURE data set you need support analyzing and interpreting? Apply now to join us for the fall 2018 Passion-Driven Statistics/QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). Participants in this FMN will plan...

  • 09 Dec 2018
    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EST 

      2018 HHMI BioInteractive and QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      HHMI BioInteractive and the Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis project (QUBES) are pleased to offer a unique networking and professional development opportunity from June 2018 –  January 2019 for faculty interested in improving student quantitative skills in...

    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EST 

      DIG into Data for the Biology Classroom

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      The DIG into Data for the Biology Classroom FMN will work with faculty who have experience in bringing data-driven activities into the introductory biology or ecology classroom, and are interested in exploring, adapting, and implementing new teaching modules using authentic research data....

    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EDT 

      Amplifying the data analytic opportunities in your CURE

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      Are you interested in incorporating full data analysis projects into your classes? Do you have a CURE data set you need support analyzing and interpreting? Apply now to join us for the fall 2018 Passion-Driven Statistics/QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). Participants in this FMN will plan...

  • 10 Dec 2018
    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EST 

      2018 HHMI BioInteractive and QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      HHMI BioInteractive and the Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis project (QUBES) are pleased to offer a unique networking and professional development opportunity from June 2018 –  January 2019 for faculty interested in improving student quantitative skills in...

    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EST 

      DIG into Data for the Biology Classroom

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      The DIG into Data for the Biology Classroom FMN will work with faculty who have experience in bringing data-driven activities into the introductory biology or ecology classroom, and are interested in exploring, adapting, and implementing new teaching modules using authentic research data....

    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EDT 

      Amplifying the data analytic opportunities in your CURE

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      Are you interested in incorporating full data analysis projects into your classes? Do you have a CURE data set you need support analyzing and interpreting? Apply now to join us for the fall 2018 Passion-Driven Statistics/QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). Participants in this FMN will plan...

  • 11 Dec 2018
    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EST 

      2018 HHMI BioInteractive and QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      HHMI BioInteractive and the Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis project (QUBES) are pleased to offer a unique networking and professional development opportunity from June 2018 –  January 2019 for faculty interested in improving student quantitative skills in...

    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EST 

      DIG into Data for the Biology Classroom

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      The DIG into Data for the Biology Classroom FMN will work with faculty who have experience in bringing data-driven activities into the introductory biology or ecology classroom, and are interested in exploring, adapting, and implementing new teaching modules using authentic research data....

    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EDT 

      Amplifying the data analytic opportunities in your CURE

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      Are you interested in incorporating full data analysis projects into your classes? Do you have a CURE data set you need support analyzing and interpreting? Apply now to join us for the fall 2018 Passion-Driven Statistics/QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). Participants in this FMN will plan...

  • 12 Dec 2018
    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EST 

      2018 HHMI BioInteractive and QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      HHMI BioInteractive and the Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis project (QUBES) are pleased to offer a unique networking and professional development opportunity from June 2018 –  January 2019 for faculty interested in improving student quantitative skills in...

    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EST 

      DIG into Data for the Biology Classroom

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      The DIG into Data for the Biology Classroom FMN will work with faculty who have experience in bringing data-driven activities into the introductory biology or ecology classroom, and are interested in exploring, adapting, and implementing new teaching modules using authentic research data....

    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EDT 

      Amplifying the data analytic opportunities in your CURE

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      Are you interested in incorporating full data analysis projects into your classes? Do you have a CURE data set you need support analyzing and interpreting? Apply now to join us for the fall 2018 Passion-Driven Statistics/QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). Participants in this FMN will plan...

  • 13 Dec 2018
    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EST 

      2018 HHMI BioInteractive and QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      HHMI BioInteractive and the Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis project (QUBES) are pleased to offer a unique networking and professional development opportunity from June 2018 –  January 2019 for faculty interested in improving student quantitative skills in...

    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EST 

      DIG into Data for the Biology Classroom

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      The DIG into Data for the Biology Classroom FMN will work with faculty who have experience in bringing data-driven activities into the introductory biology or ecology classroom, and are interested in exploring, adapting, and implementing new teaching modules using authentic research data....

    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EDT 

      Amplifying the data analytic opportunities in your CURE

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      Are you interested in incorporating full data analysis projects into your classes? Do you have a CURE data set you need support analyzing and interpreting? Apply now to join us for the fall 2018 Passion-Driven Statistics/QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). Participants in this FMN will plan...

  • 14 Dec 2018
    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EST 

      2018 HHMI BioInteractive and QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      HHMI BioInteractive and the Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis project (QUBES) are pleased to offer a unique networking and professional development opportunity from June 2018 –  January 2019 for faculty interested in improving student quantitative skills in...

    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EST 

      DIG into Data for the Biology Classroom

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      The DIG into Data for the Biology Classroom FMN will work with faculty who have experience in bringing data-driven activities into the introductory biology or ecology classroom, and are interested in exploring, adapting, and implementing new teaching modules using authentic research data....

    • 8:00 am EDT 
      5:00 pm EDT 

      Amplifying the data analytic opportunities in your CURE

      Category: Faculty Mentoring Network

      Are you interested in incorporating full data analysis projects into your classes? Do you have a CURE data set you need support analyzing and interpreting? Apply now to join us for the fall 2018 Passion-Driven Statistics/QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). Participants in this FMN will plan...


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08 Dec to 14 Dec