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Uses swirl to walk students through how to use R and analyze their own data.
- Bio3103_et_R.swc(SWC | 5 KB)
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This is a Swirl lesson that will be done in teams to review R commands and using R studio. It is called “Gérer et analyser des données” (it is in Québec French!). Students will do it in class, as a team with me present to help them. Students will first learn how Swirl works, then they will review variable classes and how to manage a dataset and modify it (ex: change the variable class). They will then do simple visualisation (histogram, plot, boxplot) and modify the appearance of a boxplot.
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Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Aubin-Horth, N. (2019). Evolutionary Ecophysiology swirl lesson. Reducing Barriers to Teaching with R in Undergraduate Biology, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/Q4RM8D