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Reducing Barriers to Teaching with R in Undergraduate Biology
- Develop, implement, and share modules for teaching statistical and biological concepts in R with Swirl
- Build a community of peer mentors
- Paige Parry, George Fox University
Final Products
In this lesson, students will have the opportunity to work through a chi-squared test of independence between two categorical variables.
The lesson is designed to 1) teach students about the concept of logistic population growth, growth rates, and carrying capacity and 2) provide a basic introduction to ecological modeling and quantitative thinking in ecology (i.e., theoretical ecology)
Avian Censys Analysis
Version: 1.0
This Swirl course uses ecological data of bird counts and habitat variables to estimate inter-observer variability and the relationship of birds with habitat variables.
Exploring the functionality of R
Version: 1.0
Students work with example data to generate a length-weight plot and use lm() to obtain regression coefficients. Base plot functions are used to plot both the data and the regression line.
Evolutionary Ecophysiology swirl lesson
Version: 1.0
Uses swirl to walk students through how to use R and analyze their own data.
Binomial test
Version: 1.0
This lesson focused on introducing students to binomial data analysis and reinforcing concepts of confidence intervals, p-value interpretation, and one- vs two-sided tests.
Version: 1.0
In this lesson, students will learn the necessary statistical terms to understand two-way ANOVA, how to visualize their data, how to perform two-way ANOVA and interpret their results, and how to check for the ANOVA assumptions.
Histograms and Boxplots
Version: 1.0
This lesson, created for an introductory ecology course, focuses on helping novice R users to import a data file, apply base R plotting functions, and use R Markdown to generate a reproducible report.