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The Effect of Climate Change on Butterfly Phenology - Intro Environmental Science

Author(s): Megan Kelly

Arrupe College of Loyola University Chicago

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In this module, students practice interpreting the relationship between variables before exploring changes in butterfly phenology through the use of natural history collections data.

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Version 1.0 - published on 01 Jun 2019 doi:10.25334/Q49F10 - cite this

Adapted from: The Effect of Climate Change on Butterfly Phenology v 1.0


This module was adapted for use in the first course of a two-semester sequence in introductory Environmental Science. The module was used early on in a larger unit on climate change, to emphasize that climate change affects “where and how species survive.”1

This activity came immediately after the EDDIE Climate Change module, in which students improved their Excel skills significantly.2

Files provided here:

  1. A downloadable student handout with just the “Student Instructions” section, pre-lab questions regarding the Kharouba and Velland reading, and in-lab assignment. The pre-lab questions were lightly edited to draw students’ attention to the relevant section of the paper, to support new readers of scientific literature. The in-lab questions were formatted to draw students’ attention to the task to be completed in each question.
  2. A slide deck introducing students to the study of phenology and showing important examples of climate-induced phenological shifts. It also prompts an activity to help students understand slope, and examine relationships between unfamiliar variables.
  3. A teaching notes file with additional information on implementation.


1. Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network. Life on Earth depends on, is shaped by, and affects climate. (accessed June 1, 2019).

2. Project EDDIE. Climate Change Module (accessed June 1, 2019).


This version splits off the student resource pages from the original file into their own printable file, with small formatting changes and edits to aid intro non-majors. A powerpoint file with a supporting activity is also included.

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