Investigating the footprint of climate change on phenology and ecological interactions in north-central North America
Author(s): adriane Jones
Mount Saint Mary's University of Los Angeles
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This is an FMN participant modification of the TIEE module "Investigating the footprint of climate change on phenology and ecological interactions in north-central North America," authored by Kellen Calinger in 2014.
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The module was implemented at Mount Saint Mary’s University of Los Angeles by Adriane Jones.
- Course: Biology 67 Introduction to Environmental Science
- Course Level: Lower level non majors course
- Instructional Setting: Lecture
- Implementation Timeframe: Class meet twice a week for 90 min This was implemented over two class periods in the second to last week of the semester
I simplified the dataset. We only explored statewise temperature trends and I aggregated the flowering data for each species across all the divisions. Also I assigned each pair of students a particular flower (there was overlap). I had them first graph by hand then use excel. I had them hand draw the best fit line and then we pooled the data to see the general trends. They then used excel and added the trend lines and we compared hand graphed data to excel.
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Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Jones, a. C. (2017). Investigating the footprint of climate change on phenology and ecological interactions in north-central North America. ESA Data Discovery FMN (2017), QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/Q4CM1B