Faculty Mentoring Networks: Community Professional Development for the Digital Age
Author(s): Deborah Rook1, Sam S Donovan2, Carrie Diaz Eaton3, Kristin Jenkins1, Drew LaMar4, Jeremy M Wojdak5, Nicole Chodkowski5, Elia Crisucci2, Adam Fagen6, Gabriela Hamerlinck7, Elizabeth Hamman8, Hayley Orndorf2
1. BioQUEST 2. University of Pittsburgh 3. Unity College 4. College of William and Mary 5. Radford University 6. BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium 7. University of Florida 8. St Mary's College of Maryland
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Poster for BioQUEST Summer Workshop 2019
What is an FMN? What is it like to be in one? What are the benefits?
- DebRookFMNposter.pdf(PDF | 204 KB)
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Poster presentation for BioQUEST Summer Workshop 2019. Poster describes the basics of Faculty Mentoring Networks.
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Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Rook, D., Donovan, S. S., Eaton, C., Jenkins, K., LaMar, D., Wojdak, J. M., Chodkowski, N., Crisucci, E., Fagen, A., Hamerlinck, G., Hamman, E., Orndorf, H. (2019). Faculty Mentoring Networks: Community Professional Development for the Digital Age. Evolution of Data in the Classroom: From Data to Data Science (SW 2019), QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/EEEZ-R150