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Biobyte 2 - Exploratory data analysis

Author(s): Sam S Donovan

University of Pittsburgh

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This short activity can be used to introduce the concept of exploratory data analysis and get participants to think about how this data science strategy is complementary to having students interpret graphs.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 14 Aug 2019 doi:10.25334/9W94-0F23 - cite this


This 30 minute large group activity is designed to help learners think about how data science principles and practices connect with undergraduate biology education. It introduces the idea of exploratory data analysis by having participants engage with CODAP - Common Online Data Analysis Platform from the Concord Consortium. The activity can be done in small groups around a single laptop. Groups work with data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and use exploratory data analysis to orient to the dataset and identify some patterns that they find interesting. Then they generate a few questions and try to build a visualization to address them. These products can easily be saved and shared as editable CODAP instances.

There is a discussion forum where you are encouraged to ask questions, share ideas for how to use these materials and make them better.



This is version 1 as presented at the 2019 BioQUEST / QUBES Summer Workshop titled, “Evolution of Data in the Classroom: From Data to Data Science”.

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