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Lesson III - Annotation

Author(s): Gaurav Arora

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Genome Solver began as a way to teach undergraduate faculty some basic skills in bioinformatics; no coding or scripting is required. Lesson III introduces Annotation, or assigning meaning to all the A's, C's, T's, and G's.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 23 Oct 2019 doi:10.25334/2XEK-ME57 - cite this

Adapted from: Lesson III - Annotation v 1.0


    • docx Annotation_Exercise_March2018.docx(DOCX)
    • docx Annotation_Exercise_March2018_KEY.docx(DOCX)
    • docx Part III - Annotation-transcript.docx(DOCX)
    • pptx Part III - Annotation.pptx(PPTX)
    • License terms


    The letters in strings of DNA have meaning, but how do you assign meaning?  In other words, what are genes and how do you find them? This is the process of annotation.  This lesson contains a powerpoint slide deck and transcript describing some of the logical thinking that goes into finding genes and other features within DNA.  There is also an exercise for practice as well as the key for the exercise.  


    Materials were updated as of Fall 2018.  Note that because the slide decks and exercises point to external websites and web-based tools, some of the illustrations contained in the materials may not look exactly like the live website.  Functionality is usually unchanged. 

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