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COVID-19 educational module | Department of Mathematics

Author(s): Glenn Ledder

University of Nebraska Lincoln

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This resource is a module you can use to teach your students the basics of epidemic behavior using a model geared specifically to Covid-19. Students can address key questions using pre-designed experiments.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.3.1 - published on 03 Aug 2021 doi:10.25334/RY2T-TX96 - cite this


The attached URL takes you to a web page that hosts two versions of a Covid-19 educational module: an Excel version that is suitable for lower-level math or any level biology and a Matlab/R version that is suitable for students with one course in calculus as background.  The modules come with a set of pre-designed experiments and questions for students to address with their experiment results.  There are other resources for teachers, such as an introductory Powerpoint presentation.  You can find a demonstration video for the Excel version at The video shows how the model can reproduce the published graph of "flattening the curve." The module allows you to go much further in understanding how this epidemic could play out in different scenarios.

The underlying model is a variation I created of the standard SEIR model.  I've divided the standard infective class into three subgroups: asymptomatic (A), symptomatic (I), and hospitalized (H).  A deceased class is differentiated from a recovered class.  So I call the model SEAIHRD.


Parameters have been updated.  The formulation has changed slightly.

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