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STEM Inclusive Teaching Practices Webinar Series: Universal Design for Learning Recording

Author(s): Hayley Orndorf1, Andrew Osborne Hasley2

1. University of Pittsburgh 2. BioQuest

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Video recordings (with captions), transcript, and chat for the STEM Inclusive Teaching Practices Webinar Series: Universal Design for Learning.

Licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 14 Aug 2020 doi:10.25334/P8DR-N510 - cite this


EDSIN (Environmental Data Science Inclusion Network), B(ui)LDS (Biological Universal and Inclusive Learning in Data Science, BLUE (Biodiversity Literacy in Undergraduate Education), and iDigBio (Integrated Digitized Biocollections), are organizing a new webinar series entitled “Inclusive Teaching Practices in STEM Education.” The purpose of this series is to initiate discussion on topics related to inclusive teaching practices while building community among a diversity of STEM disciplines interested in creating more inclusive learning environments for undergraduate students. Our partners represent very different communities in the world of STEM, but we are all really interested in fostering more diverse and inclusive communities, so one goal of this project is to raise awareness of the existing knowledge base and resources that exist.

Episode Two introduces Universal Design for Learning (UDL), an educational framework originally developed by CAST that guides instructors in the design of learning environments and educational materials that are accessible, engaging, and challenging for all students. This episode will also offer attendees the opportunity to practice identifying and applying UDL principles to classroom activities. As this episode is designed to be interactive, please attend prepared to collaborate with others as we learn together.

Presenter Bios

Andrew Hasley, PhD, is a Universal Design for Learning project manager with BIOQUEST where he works on design and delivery of professional development focused on helping undergraduate biology faculty understand and use UDL principles to design learning experiences that allow all learners to thrive. When not helping others implement UDL, he is a geneticist and bioinformatician studying microbial evolution.

Hayley Orndorf is the Universal Design for Learning Project Manager at BioQUEST and the Project Coordinator at QUBES. In both roles Hayley works to support initiatives around Open Educational Resources and the design and implementation of professional development that focuses on Universal Design for Learning.

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