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Genomics Education Alliance: Towards Genomics CURE templates

Author(s): Vince Buonaccorsi1, Arthur Hunt2, Emily Wiley3, Sandesh Subramanya4, Wilson Leung5, Sally Elgin6

1. Juniata College 2. University of Kentucky Lexington 3. Claremont McKenna College 4. Austin Community College 5. Washington University in St. Louis 6. Washington University - St. Louis

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Here we present major findings of a national survey of faculty teaching genomics CUREs conducted by the GEA, and our work on presenting relevant resources on the QUBES web portal.

Licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 23 Jul 2020 doi:10.25334/VV4Q-K260 - cite this


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