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Module 1: Introduction to the Genome Browser: What is a Gene?

Author(s): Joyce Stamm1, Jennifer Kennell2, Wilson Leung3, Leocadia Paliulis4, Srebrenka Robic5, Anne Rosenwald6

1. University of Evansville 2. Vassar College 3. Washington University in St. Louis 4. Bucknell University 5. Agnes Scott College 6. Georgetown University

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This lesson introduces the University of California Santa Cruz genome browser to students, walking them through some of the key features so that it can be used for analysis of gene structure.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 25 Jul 2020 doi:10.25334/N0PH-7508 - cite this


This module introduces students to the UCSC Genome Browser. After completing this module students will be able to navigate to a genomic region and to control the display setting for different evidence tracks. Additionally, students will be able to explain the relationships among DNA, pre-mRNA, and protein.

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