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Setting Up Nonparametric Tests

Author(s): Romi L Burks

Southwestern University

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This swirl lesson will show you how to rearrange your data within R from one that shows a multiple factor design (2 x 2) to a single factor (4 levels) to allow for data analyses that require non-parametric statistics.

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Version 1.0 - published on 02 Aug 2020 doi:10.25334/PFE8-D888 - cite this



    This skill will be useful when it comes to analyzing data from the multiple ecological experiments. A lot of ecological data often violates assumptions of normality, cannot be successfully transformed and thus requires non-parametric approaches. The swirl lesson I create will build off of the existing swirl lesson “Manipulating_Data_with_dplyr” within the “Getting_and_Cleaning_Data” swirl course. By completing a whole swirl course first, all students will learn about the basic functions in R and how to work within R_Studio. At the end of the two data manipulation lessons (existing and modified), you will have gained the skills necessary to arrange your future data in the right form for easy analysis in R. In addition, you will reinforce your understanding of the process associated with proper statistical analysis.

    The resource contains a brief description (Burks_FinalLessonPlan.pdf) and a more detailed planning document (Burks_FinalSwirlPlan.pdf)


    I updated the original submission to include the data files as well as a shorter version of the Swirl plan

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