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QUBES: An education gateway for accelerating undergraduate biology education reform

Author(s): Sam S Donovan1, Jeremy M Wojdak2, Kristin Jenkins3, Drew LaMar4

1. BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium 2. Radford University 3. BioQUEST 4. College of William and Mary

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Poster about QUBES as an education gateway presented at the 2020 Partners@QUBES Leadership Summit.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 11 Dec 2020 doi:10.25334/570Q-HQ07 - cite this

Adapted from: QUBES: An education gateway for professional development, OER sharing, and project support v 2.0


The Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education & Synthesis (QUBES; project has adopted a “gateway” model to accelerate undergraduate biology education reform. Gateways are purpose-built integrated suites of resources and tools that support the work of professional communities. As such, QUBES provides an accessible and integrated cyberinfrastructure that makes it possible to coordinate and streamline the work of a diverse and distributed community of biology educators. The QUBES services include an online professional development model (Faculty Mentoring Networks – FMNs), an open educational resources publication and versioning platform, diverse types of community hosting, workshop support, and access to cloud-based computational resources. The integration of these functionalities within a single gateway provides important opportunities for both individual faculty and education projects to engage with the professional community and amplify their scholarship. We argue that professional participation through a scientific gateway reflects a more robust and sustainable set of strategies for reforming undergraduate STEM education.


This poster was adapted for presentation at the Partners@QUBES Leadership Summit, December, 2020.

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