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Fungus Among Us!

Author(s): Kelly Sturner1, Suzanne Lenhart2, Courtney Patterson3

1. National Institute for Mathematical & Biological Synthesis 2. University of Tennessee 3. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

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This game introduces the idea of how fungi and plants can work together in a symbiotic relationship.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 03 Apr 2021 doi:10.25334/4PXY-VQ76 - cite this


This module was designed for kids, adults, and families to be shared in an informal environment. It introduces the idea of how fungi and plants can work together in a symbiotic relationship, via a game that includes collecting data and graphing.
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NIMBioS Resources

This module is part of a collection of educational materials developed for use in teacher workshops and classrooms. The target student audience is listed on each file. These activities include a combination of math concepts and biology applications, ranging from elementary school to Algebra 1 level. 

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