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Venom: To Kill or Cure?

Author(s): Valerie Ledford

Columbia High School

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In this case study, students will explore concepts of evolution, protein structure and function, taxonomy, and methods of scientific inquiry in a real-world way.

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Version 1.0 - published on 11 Aug 2021 doi:10.25334/MANS-WP91 - cite this


In this case study, students will explore concepts of evolution, protein structure and function, taxonomy, and methods of scientific inquiry in a real-world way. Students will use 3D images, on-line resources, and published scientific papers to explore these topics related to venom while making inferences and evaluating their thinking related to taxonomic relationships and evolution. The case study should open lines of inquiry with additional questions that students can explore as an extension.

Grade: High School
Author: V. Ledford
Program: Summer Science Institute (SSI) oVert 2019


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