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Phage Comparative Genomics Lab Manual

Author(s): Andrew Kapinos1, Canela Torres2, Amanda Freise2

1. University of California, San Diego 2. University of California, Los Angeles

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A lab manual containing detailed instructions for several bioinformatics tools (dot plots, Phamerator maps, phylogenetic trees, and gene content similarity), all of which enable students to perform comparative genomic analyses on phages.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 30 Aug 2021 doi:10.25334/DXX2-8N65 - cite this


A lab manual containing detailed instructions for several bioinformatics tools, all of which enable students to perform comparative genomic analyses. The tools are easy and straightforward to use, and will be recognizable by students as they are some of the most common tools used in phage comparative genomics literature. These tools are also accessible by students either in the web browser or via widely available downloadable software, so the tools can be used either in person or for remote learning.

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