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A Changing Climate in the Hawaiian Wet Forest: In-Person and Virtual Curriculum for Field Courses at Puʻu Makaʻala NAR

Author(s): Teaching Change

806 total view(s), 175 download(s)

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Curriculum for Puʻu Makaʻala Huakaʻi with the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), developed by Teaching Change. This module was created to guide Teaching Change Field Courses at Puʻu Makaʻala Natural Area Reserve. The accompanying…


Curriculum for Puʻu Makaʻala Huakaʻi with the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), developed by Teaching Change. This module was created to guide Teaching Change Field Courses at Puʻu Makaʻala Natural Area Reserve. The accompanying curriculum can be adapted and used to accompany any excursion.


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