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Mystery box puzzle for model based reasoning

Author(s): Sam S Donovan1, Pravin Muthu2

1. University of Pittsburgh 2. Emory University

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This is a computer based problem solving activity that I use to engage introductory biology students with discussions about model based reasoning.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 30 Oct 2021 doi:10.25334/9CTV-1556 - cite this


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    Sam S Donovan @ on

    Please don't hesitate to ask a question or make a suggestion about this activity here in the comments. I'd be happy to respond. 

    I'll be sharing this as part of a workshop at NABT in November 2021 and I hope to add some additional introductory material to make it easier for others to use. 

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