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Ecology/Environmental Biology Molecular Case Studies for Molecular CaseNet - YouTube

Author(s): Debra Linton1, Heather Simpson2, Jennifer Glee Buntz2, Sheela Vemu3, Shuchismita Dutta4

1. Central Michigan University 2. Central New Mexico Community College 3. Waubonsee Community College - Tenure Track and Northern Illinois University 4. RCSB Protein Data Bank, Rutgers University

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This Fall 2021 Biome Institute Working Group Summary Video provides glimpses of some of the discussions while developing molecular case studies on Ecology and Environmental Biology topics. The common theme in these discussions was how changes in temperature (global warming or climate) has an impact on the biology of corals, biofilm forms of Vibrio cholera and specific species distributions. Drafts of these case studies will be field tested in Spring 2022. In addition to developing these molecular case studies the group also discussed how we can begin to assess biology learning in 1D, 2D, 3D. Discussions on this topic are likely to be continued.

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