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Wenxiang 3.0

Author(s): John R Jungck1, Metehan Cebeci2

1. Interdisciplinary Science Learning Center at the University of Delaware 2. University of Delaware

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Wenxiang diagrams illustrate protein helices as spirals on a plane and thus have the advantage over helical wheels of being planar graphs. Wenxiang 3.0 extends the original version by adding three major features: (1) individual amino acid residues…


Wenxiang diagrams illustrate protein helices as spirals on a plane and thus have the advantage over helical wheels of being planar graphs. Wenxiang 3.0 extends the original version by adding three major features: (1) individual amino acid residues can be colored according to their evolutionary conservation in comparative multiple sequence alignments using CONSURF encoding; (2) α, π, and 3/10 helices can be illustrated by overlaying arcs representative of the pitches of these helices; and, (3) the physico-chemical properties of amino acids residues in the protein sequence can be re- presented by colored geometric shapes.


The file titled "Wenxiang 3" contains all the software needed to make Wenxiang diagrams with a user interface, while the file titled "Wenxiang 3 No User Interface" does not have a user interface, and instead contains an example of how to run the software without the interface.


The file titled "Wenxiang 3" contains all the software needed to make Wenxiang diagrams with a user interface, while the file titled "Wenxiang 3 No User Interface" does not have a user interface, and instead contains an example of how to run the software without the interface.

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