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Visualization: Quantitative reasoning via image analysis, networks, topology, generative models, and 3D rendering

Author(s): Sam S Donovan1, John R Jungck2

1. University of Pittsburgh 2. Interdisciplinary Science Learning Center at the University of Delaware

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Resource from the 2015 BioQUEST Summer Workshop

Licensed under CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 18 Jan 2018 doi:10.25334/Q4W39V - cite this




Additional resources for:
"Visualization: Quantitative reasoning via image analysis, networks, topology, generative models, and 3D rendering" by John R. Jungck

Date and Time: Sunday, June 14 @ 10:30AM

Description: In this workshop, I will focus on ten different kinds of hypothesis testing via mathematical analysis of visuals in biology: (1) Phenomenological; (2)
Topological; (3)
 Geometric; (4) Spatial Statistics; (5) Networks; (6)
 Iterative Fractal Generation; (7) Fractal Measurement; (7) Bioorthogonal Transformations: Warping, Morphing, Morphometrics, Landmarks; (8) Cellular Automata; (9) 3D rendering;  and (10) Hyperbolic space. In each case, I argue that visual representations are testable hypotheses, help us reason about biological causation, and help us communicate our inferences. For students to be empowered as scientific investigators, I argue that they need more visual tools than linear regression of an X-Y scatterplot of points or a histographic display of frequencies or compositions. 




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  • Jungck, J.R. & R. Viswanathan. 2015. Graph theory for systems biology: interval graphs, motifs, and pattern recognition. In: Robeva, R. (eds.) Algebraic and Discrete Mathematical Methods for Modern Biology, Burlington: Academic Press, 2015, pp. 1-27. (link to publisher website)
    • Author copy available by special request if book is unavailable at your institution's library
  • Khiripet, N., W. Khantuwan, & J.R. Jungck. 2012. Ka-me: a Voronoi image analyzer. Bioinformatics 28:1802-1804. (link to pdf)
  • Khiripet, N., R. Viruchpintu, J. Maneewattanapluk, J. Spangenberg, & J.R. Jungck. 2011. Morphospace: measurement, modeling, mathematics, and meaning. Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. 6:54-81. (link to pdf)

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