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Community Conversation: Publishing Conference Materials on QUBES

Author(s): Sam S Donovan

University of Pittsburgh

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Follow the link to the webinar video, "Publishing Conference Materials on QUBES". In this video, an overview of QUBES will be given, followed by information on how conference participants and organizers can publish their material to the QUBES OER…


Follow the link to the webinar video, "Publishing Conference Materials on QUBES". In this video, an overview of QUBES will be given, followed by information on how conference participants and organizers can publish their material to the QUBES OER Library.

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 27 May 2022 doi:10.25334/80WH-2C34 - cite this


It is professional meeting season again! Many of us will be sharing talks, posters, and teaching resources with our colleagues at these meetings. Publishing those products with BioQUEST is a great way to make them accessible to others, document your scholarship, and build your resume. The QUBES OER Library has a variety of examples including workshops, posters, and other conference materials.

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