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Collaborative case writing and field testing with Molecular CaseNet brings together discipline specific expertise for innovative pedagogical tools in the classroom

Author(s): Swati Agrawal1, Didem Vardar-Ulu2, Serena Yu3, Shuchismita Dutta4

1. University of Mary Washington 2. Boston University, Chemistry Department 3. Boston University 4. RCSB Protein Data Bank, Rutgers University

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Molecular case studies (MCS) use an interesting story as a hook , followed by exploration of biochemistry of one or more molecules of interest.  They can be useful in teaching about macromolecule structure and function and also for improving…


Molecular case studies (MCS) use an interesting story as a hook , followed by exploration of biochemistry of one or more molecules of interest.  They can be useful in teaching about macromolecule structure and function and also for improving biomolecular visualization and analysis in undergraduate and graduate level classes. Several unique collaborations have stemmed from discussions and workshops facilitated by the Molecular CaseNet group. The “Malaria and Maria” case was originally drafted by a group of students in Dr. Vardar-Ulu’s Biochemistry class in Fall 2020 at Boston University.  This student authored MCS replaced the in-person laboratory student projects during the COVID-19 remote instruction period in Fall 2020. The case examines the structure of the enzyme Lactate Dehydrogenase, a key player in anaerobic metabolism. Dr. Vardar-Ulu used this case to teach Biochemistry at Boston University. Since the case uses Malaria, a neglected tropical disease as a hook, it was also a good fit for the Molecular Parasitology class taught by Dr. Agrawal at University of Mary Washington. In Spring 2022 the case was piloted in both these universities.

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Version 1.0 - published on 15 Jul 2022 doi:10.25334/HZGX-MF51 - cite this



This work demonstrates the collaborative development, improvement and implementation of an active learning resource; Molecular case study (MCS).  The Malaria and Maria Case study was originally written by a group of Biochemistry students at Boston University in Dr. Vardar -Ulu's class. A subset of  undergraduate students in Winter/Spring 2021 at Boston University, combined, revised, and refined the MCS. In Summer and Fall 2021, Molecular CaseNet cohort-1, Faculty revised the student authored work based on feedback and completed the MCS. The case study was piloted and further improved in Spring 2022, in Dr. Vardar-Ulu's Biochemistry class at Boston University and Dr. Agrawal's Molecular parasitology at University of Mary Washington. The iterative cycles of improvement, implementation, and feedback from students in two different institutions and faculty facilitated a multi-disciplinary case study. Molecular CaseNet Fall working groups, Spring Faculty mentoring network and Summer workshops helped faculty with expertise in Biochemistry, Cellular Biology and Parasitology to develop a strong case study as a valuable OER resource. 

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