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Concept mapping exercise for ecological news story and peer feedback

Author(s): Vikki L Rodgers

Babson College

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This activity is designed for small groups to work together in class to create a concept map based upon an ecological news story. Any short news story can be selected. One is provided here, along with a student concept map example.

Licensed under Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal

Version 1.0 - published on 30 Mar 2023 doi:10.25334/B0F7-B821 - cite this


This activity teaches systems-thinking and concept mapping and is a good introduction to this approach. This 30-min in-class exercise addresses at least 3 of the 4 dimensions of the 4DEE framework. It incorporates whatever specific Core Ecological Concept is mentioned within the news story,. The Ecological Practices used are working collaboratively and communicating and applying ecology and the Cross-Cutting Theme is systems-thinking. If a news story is chosen that addresses how humans are impacting the ecology, the the Human Environment Interaction dimension can also be addressed. 

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