RAT ATTACK! Population growth
Author(s): Kiersten Newtoff1, Gina Wesley1, Will Gretes2, Allison Bell2, Kelly Livernoche1, Sean McNamara3, Jeff Leips4
1. Montgomery College 2. Howard Community College 3. Community College of Baltimore County 4. University of Maryland Baltimore County
619 total view(s), 796 download(s)
- PopulationGrowth_Overview.docx(DOCX | 35 KB)
- PopulationGrowth_PreLab_Student.docx(DOCX | 562 KB)
- PopulationGrowth_PreLab_Instructor.docx (Instructors only)(DOCX | 220 KB)
- PopulationGrowth_Activity_ExcelHeavy_Instructor.docx (Instructors only)(DOCX | 34 KB)
- PopulationGrowth_Activity_ExcelHeavy_Student.docx(DOCX | 26 KB)
- PopulationGrowth_Activity_ExcelLite_Instructor.docx (Instructors only)(DOCX | 33 KB)
- PopulationGrowth_Activity_ExcelLite_Student.docx(DOCX | 25 KB)
- PopulationGrowth_ExcelHeavy_Instructor.xlsx (Instructors only)(XLSX | 39 KB)
- PopulationGrowth_ExcelHeavy_Student.xlsx(XLSX | 26 KB)
- PopulationGrowth_ExcelLite_Instructor.xlsx (Instructors only)(XLSX | 38 KB)
- PopulationGrowth_ExcelLite_Student.xlsx(XLSX | 37 KB)
- PBS Nova DOCUMENTARIES S36E12 Rat Attack - YouTube
- License terms
This module is designed for one lab period (~ 3 hours). In addition to the notes below, the instructor version of the lab activity has tips for implementation.
The module itself assumes students have already completed classroom time learning about exponential and logistic growth and the growth models. If students do not have this knowledge or reinforcement, there is a pre-lab activity that accompanies this module that students can complete as a pre-lab activity. This activity introduces the concept behind growth models and gives students practice calculating the models manually. In the files, there is a student version of the pre-lab and an instructor version which contains the answer key.
There are two versions of the module that can be administered, depending on the degree of competency students have using Microsoft Excel and the desired outcomes by the instructor. The “Excel Lite” version has formulas and graphs automatically plugged in; students only need to input the variables needed for each growth equation. In the “Excel Heavy” version, students create the data table and graph manually, using the functions in Excel. All other aspects of the module are the same, including the same discussion questions and analysis of the growth model equations. The files contain the Excel templates for both versions of the module (the Excel Heavy has two worksheets that are purposefully blank, except with a title, so students can build from scratch). Instructor versions show potential outputs students may create. The worksheets have student-ready versions and the instructor versions list possible answers as well as additional implementation ideas.
During the module, instructors should begin with a brief introduction that covers the population growth models and the “rat attack” scenario that will be covered in the module’s accompanying video. Break students into smaller groups (we mostly had groups of 4) to work on the module. Allow students to watch the required portions of the accompanying video (linked in the module) and answer all life history question table questions in the module, addressing questions as necessary. Instructors should double check the life history tables and initial calculations of the growth rate (r) as students complete it, as having these values correct will be critical for the remainder of the activity. Students should then complete the rest of the module in order, which focuses on the population growth models (logistic & exponential) as well as a comparison of the populations. Once students have finished, they can independently submit the completed module questions & excel file with their calculations/graphs through the LMS.
This module was developed and implemented as part of the NEXUS Institute for Quantitative Biology (NIQB), which is a collaborative project funded by the National Science Foundation's Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (NSF-IUSE) initiative. NIQB is a collaboration between University of Maryland, Baltimore County (DUE-1821274), Anne Arundel Community College (DUE-1821179), Community College of Baltimore County (DUE-1821249), Howard Community College (DUE-1820903), and Montgomery College (DUE-1821169).
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Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Newtoff, K., Wesley, G., Gretes, W., Bell, A., Livernoche, K., McNamara, S., Leips, J. (2023). RAT ATTACK! Population growth. NEXUS Institute for Quantitative Biology (NIQB), QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/BEA3-HS05