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Development of the NIBLSE Learning Resource Collection and Incubators

Author(s): Bill Morgan1, Sam S Donovan2, Hayley Orndorf2, Sabrina Robertson3, Elizabeth Ryder4, Michael Sierk5, Anne Rosenwald6, Liz Dinsdale7, Eric Triplett8, Mark A. Pauley9, William Tapprich10

1. The College of Wooster 2. University of Pittsburgh 3. North Carolina State University 4. Worcester Polytechnic Institute 5. Saint Vincent College 6. Georgetown University 7. San Diego State University 8. University of Florida 9. University of Nebraska at Omaha 10. University of Nebraska - Omaha

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Talk on the NIBLSE Resource Collection and Incubators given at several professional development confernces

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Version 1.0 - published on 16 Mar 2018 doi:10.25334/Q4TX1G - cite this



The Network for Integrating Bioinformatics into Life Sciences Education (NIBLSE) is an NSF-funded Research Coordination Network that aims to establish bioinformatics as an essential component of undergraduate life sciences education. As part of that effort, NIBLSE is working to make existing bioinformatics learning resources more accessible to non-specialists and to increase their use across undergraduate biology courses. To this end, NIBLSE has partnered with the Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES) project and CourseSource to develop and implement a novel model for supporting the refinement, publication, and dissemination of high quality bioinformatics teaching resources. NIBLSE Incubators are small, short-lived, online communities that work with an existing learning resource to (1) improve its usability across diverse life sciences classrooms, (2) introduce and teach important bioinformatics learning outcomes, and (3) move the learning resource toward publication and broader dissemination. This presentation will highlight the current status of the NIBLSE Learning Resource Collection and discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with the Incubator approach for refining learning resources.

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