BCEENET- Broadening undergraduate participation in ecology and evolution research through CUREs using digitized natural history collections data (RCN-UBE Introduction)
Author(s): Janice L. Krumm1, Carly N. Jordan2, Liz Shea3, Jean L Woods4, Cecily D Bronson5
1. Widener University 2. The George Washington University 3. Delaware Museum of Nature and Science 4. Bethel College, Kansas 5. BCEENET
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BCEENET brings together natural history collections professionals, undergraduate educators, data experts, and researchers to support the implementation of Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) using digitized natural history collections (dNHC) data. BCEENET provides training, funding, curriculum materials, and ongoing support for faculty who implement dNHC CUREs. Since 2020, BCEENET members have brought research experiences to over 2800 undergraduates!
Problems: Research experiences provide STEM students with important benefits, but they are not always accessible.
- Opportunities for student research in ecology and evolutionary biology are limited at many institutions, and students from underrepresented populations in STEM face greater obstacles accessing research experiences.
- Some institutions face additional challenges with regard to facilities or support for research, particularly community colleges and minority-serving institutions.
- Faculty may not be familiar with the availability of dNHC data or the existing dNHC CURE resources that can be implemented in online, hybrid, hy-flex, and in-person formats.
- Faculty need support and training in dNHC data, the tools needed to explore and analyze them, and integration of dNHC CUREs into their courses.
- Faculty may not have connections with NHC experts or CURE educators who could provide knowledge about collections data and undergraduate research.
Communities: Instructors teaching courses in biology or environmental sciences, across all institution types but with particular focus on community colleges and minority-serving institutions.
Activities: We are constantly recruiting faculty to be CURE implementers, through virtual sessions, conference presentations, and in person recruitment workshops. We select 10-15 BCEENET CURE Implementer Fellows each summer (through 2024 on the RCN award and through 2026 on a new IUSE award) to receive funding for implementing, live virtual training, and year-round, weekly peer support. We have already published two CUREs and several accompanying modules as OER materials on QUBES, and more will be coming soon.
Ways to learn more:
Ways to get involved:
- Email bceenetwork@gmail.com to join our Basecamp community
- Sign up for our mailing list
- Follow us on Twitter @bceenet
- Join our QUBES group
- Community Hours each month, open to anyone.
- Funding for folks who would like to implement a BCEENET CURE or develop new materials to support the CUREs.
If you are interested in learning more and participating please join this group or email BCEENET Coordination Team: bceenetwork@gmail.com
Cite this work
Researchers should cite this work as follows:
- Krumm, J. L., Jordan, C. N., Shea, L., Woods, J. L., Bronson, C. D. (2023). BCEENET- Broadening undergraduate participation in ecology and evolution research through CUREs using digitized natural history collections data (RCN-UBE Introduction). RCN-UBE Community, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/T67R-AC05